March 9, 2020

March 9:

  • We found out that the belts didn't fit so new pulleys were printed

  • Belt for one side was assembled, other side will be done tomorrow


  • Compressor and 2 spark maxes were taken out to make room for Tigger


  • We found out that the indexer didn't fit (the motors are in the chain)

  • The chains on the drive train were swapped to make room for the indexer

  • The indexer should fit now (although very tight), some modifications of the poly carbonate panel may be needed


  • The elevator end of the pistons were moved down 1/2" so that the intake is both inside frame perimeter when retracted and can be lowered

  • Only very basic testing was done

  • A bolt was moved to the left piece of 1x2 mount for the intake so there are now two bolts in opposite corners, making the structure more stable

  • The two big washers for the bottom churro of the intake were swapped for smaller washers